9/10/14 - Maria featured by MIT News Office and the Mechanical Engineering Department, spotlighting a new video on her work in design.
8/29/14 - Maria joins the Mechanical Engineering faculty in taking the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.
7/18/14 - Ideation Master's student Michael Stern wins MIT Carl G. Sontheimer Prize for exceptional creativity and innovation in design for his work on a novel 3d printer for glass.
5/19/14 - Maria @ IBM's new Designcamp in Austin, TX
5/13/14 - Maria Yang receives the Capers and Marion McDonald Award from the MIT School of Engineering
3/31/14 - Maria Yang awarded the Ruth and Joel Spira Excellence in Teaching Award by the MIT School of Engineering.
3/28/14 - Maria Yang named recipient of the ASEE Fred Merryfield Design Award.
1/29/14 - Maria Yang and Mike Stern launch design workshop at Ferrari, S. p. A in Maranello, Italy
11/25/13 - Maria Yang elected to ASME Fellow.
11/19/13 - First Design Project from 2.00 Introduction to Design appears in the MIT Tech.
11/17/13 - Discover Product Design 2013 featured on Kirsten Lim's MIT admissions blog.
09/18/13 - Catch photos of Discover Product Design 2013, courtesy of Emma Feshbach!
09/06/13 - Ideation lab featured in MechEConnects article on innovation at MIT.
08/29/13 - Ideation Best Paper Award featured in MIT News.
08/29/13 - PhD Candidate Jesse Austin-Breneman and Maria Yang's work on Design for Micro Entrepreneurship featured in sci.dev.net.
08/11/13 - A new paper on a framework for Designing for MicroEntrepreneurship by PhD Candidate Jesse Austin-Breneman and Maria Yang featured on MIT News Homepage, and in Science Daily, R&D News and the Digital Manufacturing Report..
08/10/13 - "The Influence of Timing in Exploratory Prototyping and Other Activities in Design Project" by Anders Haggman, Tomonori Honda, and Maria Yang awarded Best Paper at the 2013 ASME Design Theory Methodology Conference in Portland, OR in August 2013.
03/19/13 - Maria Yang gives speaks on early stage design at the University of Pennsylvania Mechanical Engineering Seminar Series.
02/20/13 - Justin Lai discusses Ideation's work on getting engineers to create portfolios, featured on Seelio blog.
01/25/13 - Maria Yang is a featured speaker at the Inaugural xDesign event at Harvard University, jointly sponsored by the Harvard Business School and the Harvard Graduate School of Design.
08/24/12 - DPD in the MIT Tech newspaper.
04/25/12 - Full-length feature article on 2.009 Product Engineering Processes in the MIT Technology Review.
05/11/12 - MIT gives Maria Yang the Institute wide Earll Murman Award for Undergraduate Advising.
02/17/12 - New BostonInno article explores the Ideation Lab.
01/11/12 - Discover Product Design featured in a BostonInno article.
02/15/11 - FlatRat revealed during Ring Premiere.
09/28/10 - How do Freshmen Eye Design? DPD featured in MIT Alumni Office blog.
09/21/10 - Photo narrative of Discover Product Design showcased on Core77.
09/21/10 - The Boston Globe RAW features Discover Product Design photos.
Doug Powell, Studio Lead at IBM Design, and Maria Yang in Austin, TX, May 2014
Maria P., Mike Stern, Maria Yang, and Mirko Boccalatte at Ferrari Headquarters, Jan. 2014
Designing for MicroEntrepreneurship by Jesse Austin-Breneman and Maria Yang featured on MIT homepage, August 2013.
Maria Yang speaking at xDesign Conference at Harvard, Jan 2013