Design programs at Ideation
Portfolio Resources — Website providing basic information for creating design portfolios. See Getting Started->Layout for ideas on portfolio styles. Example portfolios: Ben Gray (SB ‘20), Priya Pillai (SB ‘19, SM ‘20), Anya Quenon (SB ‘20), Bryan Macomber (SB ‘12), Maria Prus (SB ‘10), Tiffany Tseng (SB ‘09, PhD Media Lab ‘16).
DPD: Discover Product Design — Freshman Pre-Orientation Program (FPOP) open to entering freshman. Photo slideshow 2013, courtesy Emma Feshbach, DPD photography work on Kirsten Lim's MIT admissions blog.
2.S97 Designing for People (formerly Design-A-Palooza) — IAP course focuses on addressing problems and issues found in everyday life and your surroundings through hands-on design projects. Open to all majors and years, no experience necessary. Catch a video of our very first egg drop from the Green Building (277 feet).
Design courses and programs at MIT
Product Design (Graduate): 2.739J, 2.744, ESD.40 (SDM students only, no longer offered)
User Interaction Design: 6.089 - Interactive Technology Design - IAP 2008-2011 (no longer offered)
Media Lab: MAS.964 Future Craft, MAS.863J How to Make (almost) Anything
Design for America, MIT Chapter
Research Conferences in Design
ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC)
International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED), Sponsored by the Design Society
International Associations of Societies of Design Research (IASDR)
Design Conference
Design Journals
Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Design, Analysis, and Manufacturing (AI EDAM)
Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering (JCISE)
Other Design Related References and Resources
Stanford's Ambidextrous magazine — no longer published
Core77 — industrial design magazine and resource
Coroflot — design jobs and portfolios